Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nice Home I Wish

How important a house to a family? Well of course it is very essential and must be decent enough to live. Have you ever been into our house? Of course, you haven't. If you were able to be here, I am sure you'll wish you were never come here. The house is never comfortable at all. It really needs a lot of improvements, major improvements to be specific. I wish the lighting were properly designed. I wanted to have better kitchen sinks. Tables, chairs and furniture are properly arranged it should be. Ventilation is a problem also. If my parents never see or even feel how uncomfortable our house is, I'll do the job in making it one. It has been my goal ever since to refurbish our home. For I believe that a better home begets a better family relationship. Maybe one of the reasons why our family are not that close is because of a not that nice house. I really don't know, but it could be. If I will have my own family, I will make sure that I'll have a better shelter for us. A house that my future kids will be proud of and will never be ashamed or even hesitate to invite their friends for sleepovers or whatever it may be. Even if it is not that huge, as long as it is comfortable and decent enough to live in.

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