Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Yesterday afternoon, I felt like got nothing to do. Instead of wasting my time doing nothing (it was my break time), I opted to walked around the streets of our borough. I was hoping to be amazed with the surroundings and feel the air into my cheeks. But as I moved on, I was kinda dismayed with the scene. Concrete fence with rust stains. It was disrupting of the beautiful scenery. So I was wondering why they've never acted upon this form of scene obstruction. Since it was a mini-park with lots of trees, I thought that maybe spraying something into these stains to remove will affect the organic forms surrounding it.

I walked at home still wondering on what would be the best alternative to the solution of the problem. I ended up consulting google until I found a product that remove rust from concrete and its pure organic. Instead of using acidic solutions, you'll gonna use organic ones. It's the best solution I've ever found so far. Until I came to think, why I'm really bothered about the rust stains into the park's fence? Then, my mind answered, because if nobody will care, who will be?

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